Instructions for Dancing

Sunday December 5, 2010

young forever

Filed under: Uncategorized — by hettyweston @ 8:30 pm

Hello blog.

The world’s a bit too big for me at the moment. These last few months have been tough. I feel very tired. I’ve a few very long days in London this week, for Christmas concerts with choir, and then I can go home. Once I’ve submitted a thesis proposal.

In much much better news, I’ve been watching season two of Glee and it continues to be absolutely brilliant. Especially if you’re into a capella and well-arranged cover-songs, but I know my tone-deaf brother watches it and just fastforwards all the singing (lols), so it has plenty of other things to recommend it.

The last few episodes have been especially great. They’ve involved a boys’ choir called the Warblers, a group from a rival school which one character joins because he’s being bullied for being gay. This new school has a no-tolerance policy and no homophobia whatsoever, and everybody behaves in a markedly… ambiguous way. It’s a pretty fascinating concept because boys’ schools are the most epically homophobic places ever, in my experience. Seeing one which is totally lacking homophobic and heteronormative attitudes makes me really happy, even if it’s being flagged up as a fantasy. It’s a plausible fantasy, though: remove discrimination, change the conversation, and you’re free to enjoy singing and dancing and other things which are arbitrarily termed camp, girly and  – the very worst – uncool.

Also they have boyband dance moves AND kickass vocal harmonies. Recent covers: Teenage Dream and Hey Soul Sister.

and this video is unrelated but always makes me laugh.

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